“…after a long, albeit mild, winter with little snow, we’re more anxious than usual to break out the fishing gear and get back on the water. But with the big salmon runs still a month or more in the future, we decided to try something different and go after Arctic Grayling a fish that is known to be agressive in the springtime in the northern lakes, rivers, ponds and streams of Alaska.  With a trip up near Tok, Chicken and Delta Junction on the books, we decided to give the Delta Clearwater River a try and we’re glad we did! Cooper hooked into this nice “First of a lifetime” Arctic Grayling on a new lure after just a few minutes of fishing. On light gear it gave a nice fight, but it was more about enjoying this beautifully clear river and this unique fish – believed to be 1/2 char and 1/2 sheefish by some. It was catch & release, so off we sent it back to the clear running stream. Later that evening I’d hook into a nice Grayling on my anniversary fly rod (2 anniversaries ago received, but the first fish caught so the rod is christened at last–I should have started fishing it much sooner but it looked so nice in it’s case!). With a lot of fishing ahead, we’re just glad to get back in the swing, or cast, of things again!”

Arctic Grayling
Delta Clearwater River Fishing

Arctic Grayling